Friday, April 6, 2012

Old Vintage-Street Style

Hello Old,today, while in a meeting, I had the bright idea of giving you guys a sneak peak of what will be a full-time feature in Old Vintage Magazine once it gets up and running-the Street Style section. It will be a section for any fashionista/fashionisto whose outfit is something that just HAS to be seen. My first Street Styler is Sydney, a friend of mine from school. She has on a khaki and black fedora,a leapord shirt, a light khaki-colored cross-shouldered purse, white skinny jeans, and white, silver-studded sandals. Isn't her outfit just everything? Sound off in the comments and let me know what you think of her outfit as well as if I should make every Friday, Street Style Friday. Sincerely Yours...


  1. Like it! Btw,check it out, I am your first follower on bloglovin, hurray! Good luck on your magazine!


  2. Yaaaayyyy,awesome!!!and thanks a bunch Lolita,I really appreciate it.
